Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pick of the week: Quail Hollow Championship

Okay, I know I'm really late at posting my pick. I've been busy getting a big promotion at work, so I'll probably have less time for this thing.

I obviously have to go with Tiger Woods this week. Why? Because it's Tiger and he dominates. I'll write more later, just wanted to get it up.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Update: Zurich Classic Day One

If you were at the tournament and didn't know where Nick was...pretty sure you could have found in a nearby sand trap. He had a rough day...spent the day in sand and his ball even went for a swim on the front nine.

Well I've got good news and bad news from Day One.

Good news first.

Kenny Perry is -3 under 69 and three back from the leader. I'm happy to see he bounced back with a great first round after such a disappointing loss at the Masters. I read how he had a rough couple of days after the loss, he couldn't sleep and one night he went on a three hour drive until 5 a.m.

Okay, now for the bad news....Nick Watney.

Call me a jinx, I don't know what the deal is...I guess he's bound to have a bad round every now and again but he's been on such a streak that I didn't think it would end anytime soon. For having a double bogey and four bogeys on the round, it could have been a lot worse but luckily he also had four birdies on the day....sitting ugly at +2 over 74. Dude has gotta have a heck of a day tomorrow or he's not going to make the cut. And that would just be sad, although I would watch a lot less golf this weekend. Let's hope he kicks it into high gear tomorrow.

I'm guessing this was happening a lot during his first round.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pick of the week: Zurich Classic

I'm going to attempt to be a little better this week...hopefully my golf attire today will channel some inner golf voice. Heck, I don't even know what I'm talking about. I just didn't want to put any effort into getting ready this morning, and I have a huge drawer full of golf clothes that require no thought at all. Slacks, golf shirt - bada bing, bada boom. Done. And I still managed to be 10 minutes late for work. I don't know how I do it.

My first pick: Kenny Perry

I was slightly heartbroken when he didn't win The Masters. Nothing against Angel Cabrera, but I just really wanted Kenny to win. He just seems like an awesome Kentucky dad and how awesome to be the oldest to have ever won The Masters. He played great, I'm sticking with him this week.

My second pick: Nick Watney aka "Rubes"

Okay hold it right there, yes, he is my favorite player on the Tour but he's also the most consistent this year. He, like so many other guys on the Tour, is ridiculously nice and gracious. I was able to spend some time with him at various things, and what they say about him is right on. He's such a gentleman, so polite, and really humble. He doesn't get the attention he deserves because he's not the most tv friendly - he's not the most emotionally expressive player, which honestly works for him-he keeps his cool. You won't really see much emotion from him, unless he totally shanks it.

His first PGA win was in 2007 at The Zurich Classic, since then he had a fairly disappointing 2008, but boy has 2009 treated him right. After taking the lead on his final putt for the first time that weekend, he won the Buick Invitational in February after coming from 5 shots back. He has been on a roll all year...making every cut, top 25 finish in all except for one I think. So now when I pick him, people don't just think it's because he's the cutest thing ever but because he is in contention practically every week. If he can stay out of bunkers this week, look out.

I also love this new thing that he's been doing, whenever he hits a bad shot-he covers his face with his hat. Also he experimented with his style at The know I like that.

I told you he was my favorite. And his birthday is on big deal, just a million dollar birthday present.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Heat Wave

In honor of the heat wave I'm currently experiencing, please enjoy Adam Scott.

I could have used the picture of him shirtless on the beach with kate hudson, but I won't. okay, maybe I will. But only to promote what an awful idea hooking up with kate hudson is! There's no way you're getting out of that without some sort of infection. you know it's true. So don't do it kids, just say no to kate hudson. Your life will be better without it.

I mean, come on, is a golfer who looks like this and has an accent really too much to ask for?

Yeah, i thought so.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Brought to you by: pantalones blancos

So, I knew starting this blog that I would be writing about different players on the tour. I have a great job where I get to interact with the players even if for just a brief moment. It really helped me re-kindle my love for the game...I have a more invested interest.

So anyways, I know I picked him to win last week....he didn't. Not by a longshot. But nevertheless, this post was inspired by Camilo Villegas's white pants.

I absolutely love his style....he wants to look good, he tries to look good, he knows he looks good.

Which brings me to this: American players could really learn a thing or two or twelve about how to dress on the course. You want to draw more women to the game? Well give 'em something to look at. Most women will answer, "the uniform" when asked what is their favorite thing about baseball or football. Don't get me wrong, I love me a good pair of football pants....but I actually watch football because I love football(the cute guys are just a bonus). And i love golfers, I do. Ask anyone who knows me. I realize that there are a lot of golfers who just don't care about fashion and style, but I still think you can have a little bit of fun and show your personality in what you're wearing. Or am i trying to make a guy be a girl that way?

I love seeing someone take a fashion risk, even if it's definitely a fashion don' gotta respect them for just putting it out there even if it's awful. Some examples:

Usually Luke Donald(right) looks fantastic, this is definitely not standard from him. However this is the standard from Ian Poulter(left), I think the spiky blonde hair is more the turnoff here actually, but put Adam Scott in this outfit and yeah I think you know what would happen.

Some major do's:

I was very conservative on this one, I'm not saying I need to see crazy outfits or anything...just add a little spice to it. On the broad spectrum of things: Camilo - matching orange belt and sweatband on an all-white outfit. Adam Scott(I maybe spent awhile longer looking for a picture of him...but lay off, I have had a crush on Adam Scott for 9 years). This outfit is simple, but still does the trick. On the right you have a very subdued khaki look on Webb Simpson, but it still manages to pop. Okay, maybe I just find him cute.

Side note: I googled for a picture of his white pants and found a blog that I now love....this post really made me laugh, okay not really a laugh, but a chuckle. Any other sarcastic golf enthusiasts like myself will love this blog.You should click and read it...but if not here's the basic gist.

Dear Sergio,
you're such a douche.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Not looking too good

Well, might have been a little off my game with this week's picks. It doesn't help that Baddeley triple bogeyed on the 2nd hole of his first round-hard to not let that screw with your head. But he had 5 birdies today and makes the cut. He's got a lot of ground to try and make up this weekend.

Camilo had a rough day. I was worried he wouldn't make the cut, luckily some last minute birdies saved him from not having a pay day. Wouldn't mind seeing him paired up with Rory McIlroy tomorrow. But still, come on Camilo...break out the white pants and red belt this weekend!

Todd Hamilton is on the leaderboard at -8 par. Maybe I should have nepotism when I pick the dad is buddies with Todd. After my dad retired from competitive golf, Todd asked him to be his caddy. My dad didn't want that life anymore, so he declined. The next week, Todd went on to with the British Open. My dad was so happy to see him on the leaderboard at the Masters and he seems to be going strong on top of the leaderboard this week.

Check out this ace on the 17th hole today from Lee Janzen. Nice.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pick of the week- Verizon Heritage

First installment of the pick of the week. I am pretty awful at most brackets, however I'm kind of awesome at golf brackets. You know you work in golf when you have betting pools for Matchplay and all the majors.

Seeing as how a lot of the "big names" are not playing this week....hopefully a guy who's been waiting on the wings will be able to shine and bring the big check home. Or a guy who they call superman because how super is it that his white pants never get dirty?

So, if you know golf you've guessed one of my picks....Camilo Villegas. He's been in the hunt at so many tournaments this year-sooner or later it's all bound to click at once, and he'll walk away the winner. How can you not love Camilo? He is an entertainer. I love being able to see his reactions, whether good, bad, or not knowing where the heck the ball is going to land. He's great for the sport. He's a genuinely nice guy and doesn't that always make you like someone more? Also, how can you not want him to win after seeing him walk off the 18th green in the outfit below and still have it be completely pristine white? And he freaking does the superman pose because he did it once and the fans loved it, so he decided to keep doing it. It doesn't hurt that aside from being immensely talented, he's insanely gorgeous. I vote Camilo.

I'm giving myself a second pick....because I can. This guy is not someone who hasn't tasted victory, he has...a few times. He's a putting whiz, an all-around great player. But I want to see him win this year. Aaron Baddeley. He leads bible study for any guy on the tour who wants to be awesome. And he's not afraid to rock weird outfits. Do you see a trend forming? Well dont, because if my favorite was playing this week, I'd pick him....and he is not the most fashionable on the course.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why golf?

It's not a fleeting thing, it's not a new thing, I'm just now fully realizing how much I really love this game. I can't remember not knowing how to grip a golf club-it's been a part of my life since I was a kid. My dad gave me my first set of clubs for my birthday when I was four. There were only 4 clubs in the bag, a driver, seven iron, five iron, and a putter. Those are pretty much the only clubs I continue to use when I play golf...I am quite partial to a nine iron and pitching wedge, as well though.

As a kid, I didn't really comprehend what it was my dad did for a living. All I knew is none of my friends dads had a job like his, and I was a kid who didn't like to be different so I was pretty quiet on the subject. I remember going to golf tournaments and loving that all of the other kids there had the same kind of dad. He'd leave early to play golf and he'd come home just in time for dinner. I never knew any different, so it was quite a shock when my dad said a few years ago that he'd wished he'd been home a lot more when we were kids. To me, that's just how it was. I would give anything to be able to go back to that time and truly appreciate my dad and his talent. I love that we are able to bond through this game. Last Sunday, we watched the final round of The Masters together...I can't even explain how cool it was to hear him tell stories about playing with golf legends-stories I wouldn't have cared about in the past but now make my dad so dang cool.

It's weird, I find myself now working in the golf world...but not because I pursued it. I was determined to not use connections to get a job in sports, I'm the independent free-thinking baby of the family that way. Finally, had to break down and asked my dad to help. Let me tell you something, golf is the nicest industry around...they take care of their own. A few weeks later, I had a job. A good job. And I intend to stay in golf.

Expect a lot of trivial stuff, predictions, insight, and an occasional post gushing about how hot someone is. Because I'll be the first to admit it, I have a thing for golfers.