Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's about damn time...

I finally picked a winner! Granted it was at a smaller tournament with a not so glamorous field, but still. Zach Johnson won on the first playoff hole to defend his title at the Texas Open.

I was a little bummed that Bill Haas couldn't pull out the win...it would have been good to see. I do really like Zach Johnson though. Exciting for Haas to have played such a good four days of golf...it's a shame he's almost completely bald underneath his hat because he is pretty hot. He and Nick Watney look so much alike. Dream pairing perhaps? Here's Bill with his Dad, Jay Haas.

I don't want to be gossip girl or anything, but Bill might be more interested in scoring with the ladies, than scoring on the course. I've heard multiple times how he just chats girls up by the putting green and I've actually witnessed it in action. Oh well, he's a pro athlete....that's what they're supposed to do right?

1 comment:

  1. nice work! no wonder you were hiding out watching golf all weekend...
